### 2.0.0-alpha.2 * Added : React support for Banner component. See README.md for more. [Tracking issue](https://github.com/visual-framework/vf-core/issues/1878) ### 2.0.0-alpha.1 * Added : Experimental Angular support for fixed and top banner type. See README.md for more. ### 2.0.0-alpha.0 * Added : Experimental Angular support for basic and inline banner type. See README.md for more. Support for additional banner types planned for future sprint. ### 1.9.2 * Update focus indicators colors to increase contrast ratio and be easier to spot ### 1.9.1 * `--inline` variant Nunjucks template file cleanup. ### 1.9.0 * Correct "tertary" typo in "vf-button--tertiary". * Correct an issue in naming of Yaml keys that resulted in null values. * `vf-data-protection-banner__text` -> `banner__text` * `vf-data-protection-banner__link` -> `banner__link` * `vf-banner--inline_href` -> `banner__inline_href` ### 1.8.0 * adds overrides for more permutations of where the vf-global header lives ### 1.7.2 * adds deprecation notices around the `--phase` variant. ### 1.7.1 * changes any `set-` style functions to cleaner version ### 1.7.0 * Banner dismiss button now defaults to `vf-button--primary` (if a specific button variant has been requested by `vfJsBannerButtonTheme`, it will still be used) ### 1.6.3 * Bug: For fixed banners, avoid interpretting numbers as strings and blowing out the page padding ### 1.6.2 * JS linting ### 1.6.1 * removes CSS for 'inlayed' design as no longer in use * https://github.com/visual-framework/vf-core/pull/1204 ### 1.6.0 * updates spacing design tokens * requires `v2.0.0` of the `vf-design-tokens` package or newer * removes leftover `console.log` ### 1.5.0 * centralises logic to "close" a banner * adds padding to the document to accomodate a fixed-position banner so it won't hide content - https://github.com/visual-framework/vf-core/issues/1119 ### 1.4.0 * removes inline padding on `vf-banner` class * replaces inline padding on `vf-banner__content` class * removes inline padding from `vf-banner__content` if parent has `vf-u-fullbleed` class ### 1.2.3 * updates max-width of component ### 1.2.2 * updates max-width of component ### 1.2.1 * Adds !default to all Sass variables for easier overrideing * gives the banner a better look in IE11 ### 1.2.0 * Makes the alert style banner the default .njk * puts the style of alert banner as a prop from yaml/nunjucks * removes hardcoded variants of alert banners * fixes hover colour of `vf-banner__button` ### 1.1.0 * Adds option to determine button theme using data attributes * Allows for existing banners to still use the secondary theme ### 1.0.6 * Adds underline on links using `.vf-banner__link` * Resolves IE11 bug assigning classes ### 1.0.5 * Add alert `--alert` and `--warning` banners * Placeholder close button for interactiviy (bring your own JavaScript) * `vf-banner--phase` is on its way to deprecation, use `vf-banner--info` instead ### 1.0.4 * Makes use of `vf-banner__text` * Use of `vf-text` is deprecated ### 1.0.2 * Links in text areas of banners regain an underline ### 1.0.0 (2019-12-17) * Initial stable release ### 1.0.1 * Removed default spacing of `vf-text` components inside * Removes overriding variant CSS that removes padding, as it breaks the GDPR banner * The spacing inside the component is now dictated by the component * Adds a top and bottom margin for spacing of the `--phase` variant