{# Make sure any variables are listed inside the following if statement #} {% if context %} {% set label_inactive = context.label_inactive %} {% set label_active = context.label_active %} {% set modifier = context.modifier %} {% set is_active = context.is_active %} {% set icon = context.icon %} {% set bookmark_href = context.bookmark_href %} {% endif %} {# heart #} {%- set heart -%} {%- endset -%} {# star #} {%- set star -%} {%- endset -%} {# bookmark icon #} {# not currently support #} {%- set bookmarkicon -%} {%- endset -%} {# You can do Nunjucks logic in your templates that references the .yml settings What's Nunjucks: https://mozilla.github.io/nunjucks/templating.html #} {# {% if item.image == "blank" %} {% else %} {{ item.image }} {% endif %} #}