### 2.0.1 * Support passed context. * https://github.com/visual-framework/vf-core/issues/1509 ### 2.0.0 * Removed `width: 100%` from the `.vf-figure__image` class. * Added `display: block` to the `.vf-figure__image` class. * Removed CSS for the width when the `vf-figure` is using floats. ### 1.3.0 * adds loading="lazy" to the img element for better performance ### 1.2.0 * Changes structure of nunjuck to add the ability to make use of props * Changes class selector naming from `float` to `align` * Adds a `align-centered` variant * Adds `--vf-figure__width` as a CSS Custom Property that can be overriden * Adds some documentation ### 1.1.0 * Adds vf-figure--float (-inline-start and -inline-end) variants ### 1.0.0-beta.2 * removes the `| path` from the njk template which made it non-usable outside of Fractal