// vf-hero @import 'package.variables.scss'; // Debug information from component's `package.json`: // --- /*! * Component: #{map-get($componentInfo, 'name')} * Version: #{map-get($componentInfo, 'version')} * Location: #{map-get($componentInfo, 'location')} */ /* stylelint-disable */ @import 'vf-hero.variables.scss'; .vf-hero { background-color: color(green); background-image: url('https://acxngcvroo.cloudimg.io/v7/https://www.embl.org/files/wp-content/uploads/roundels.png'); background-image: var(--vf-hero--bg-image, url('https://acxngcvroo.cloudimg.io/v7/https://www.embl.org/files/wp-content/uploads/roundels.png')); padding: map-get($vf-spacing-map, vf-spacing--800) 0; padding: var(--vf-hero--spacing, #{map-get($vf-spacing-map, vf-spacing--1200)}) 0; // Hero only has gap when not followed by fullwidth background or navigation // The hero bottom margin is created by pushing the next element "down" & + :not(.vf-u-fullbleed):not(.vf-navigation) { margin-top: map-get($vf-spacing-map, vf-spacing--800); --vf-stack-margin: #{map-get($vf-spacing-map, vf-spacing--800)}; } } .vf-hero.vf-u-fullbleed::before { background-size: cover; background-size: var(--vf-hero--bg-image-size, cover); z-index: 1; } .vf-hero__content { background-color: ui-color(white); color: ui-color(black); box-shadow: 2px 0 3px rgba(0, 0, 0, .1), -2px 0 3px rgba(0, 0, 0, .1), 0 2px 3px rgba(0, 0, 0, .1); position: relative; z-index: set-layer(vf-z-index--hero); max-width: max-content; width: auto; } .vf-hero__kicker { @include set-type(text-body--3, $custom-margin-bottom: 0); line-height: 1; position: relative; a { color: currentColor; &:hover { text-decoration-thickness: 2px !important; } } } .vf-hero__heading { @include set-type(text-heading--1, $custom-margin-bottom: 0); line-height: 1.25; word-break: break-word; max-width: 30ch; } .vf-hero__heading_link { color: currentColor; text-decoration: none; &:hover, &:focus { text-decoration: underline; text-decoration-thickness: 2px; } } .vf-hero__subheading { @include set-type(text-heading--4, $custom-margin-bottom: 0); --vf-stack-margin: 0; max-width: 50ch; } .vf-hero__text { @include set-type(text-body--2, $custom-margin-bottom: 0); max-width: 60ch; a { border-bottom: none; color: color(blue); text-decoration: none; } a:visited { color: color(blue--dark); } a:focus, a:hover { color: color(blue--dark); text-decoration: underline; text-decoration-thickness: 2px !important; } } .vf-hero__link { @include set-type(text-heading--4, $custom-margin-bottom: 0); align-items: center; border-bottom: none; color: color(blue); display: inline-flex; text-decoration: none; svg { fill: currentColor; flex: 1 0 auto; margin-left: map-get($vf-spacing-map, vf-spacing--200); } &:visited { color: color(blue--dark); } &:focus, &:hover { color: color(blue--dark); text-decoration: underline; text-decoration-thickness: 2px !important; svg { transform: translateX(.25rem); } } } // sizes // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- .vf-hero--400 { --vf-hero--spacing: #{space(400)}; & > .vf-box { --vf-box-padding: var(--vf-hero--spacing); } } .vf-hero--800 { --vf-hero--spacing: #{space(800)}; & > .vf-box { --vf-box-padding: calc(var(--vf-hero--spacing) / 2); } } .vf-hero--1200 { --vf-hero--spacing: #{space(1200)}; & > .vf-box { --vf-box-padding: calc(var(--vf-hero--spacing) / 2); } } // This variant is supported, but hidden and currently not recommended (subject to change) .vf-hero--1600 { --vf-hero--spacing: #{space(1600)}; & > .vf-box { --vf-box-padding: calc(var(--vf-hero--spacing) / 2); } }