### 1.4.0 * Links of `.vf-profile__link` use `inline-link` mixin. * Remove need for `.vf-u-last-item` on last phone number. * https://github.com/visual-framework/vf-core/pull/1612 ### 1.3.0 * deprecates the Mortal Kombat variants. * deprecates the theming. * makes regular and small font sizes more consistent. ### 1.2.1 * changes any `set-` style functions to cleaner version ### 1.2.0 * adds loading="lazy" to the img element for better performance ### 1.1.0 * makes theme variant naming and decisions consistent ### 1.0.2 * makes the `width: 100%` rather than `max-content` as some people have really long job titles ### 1.0.1 * fixes issue where email was a link not a mailto: * fixes issue where telephone number was a link not a tel: ### 1.0.0 * Fix hiding of default variant * bump to major releas ### 0.0.1 * Initial Component Release