### 3.0.0-alpha.1 * Refine spacing when more than 1 inline `vf-form__item`. ### 3.0.0-alpha.0 * updates to code and documentation based on consultation and decisions made. * introduces the 'container' version * notes that the 'mini' version should not be implemented. ### 2.0.0 * adds a div around the form content. * makes changes to the CSS for `--inline` variant so it's responsive to the parent width. ### 1.2.0 * don't allow inline search to get too large * add field for search description ### 1.1.2 * adds support for `autofocus` on search input ### 1.1.1 * adds support for default search value ### 1.1.0 * makes vf-search.njk a real template ### 1.0.0 * removes `vf-u-sr-only` as no longer needed * changes alignment of button on inline search ### 1.0.0-alpha.8 * Version bump only for package @visual-framework/vf-search ### 1.0.0-alpha.7 * Version bump only for package @visual-framework/vf-search