### 3.0.0 * With `vf-stack` more consistently adopted we remove `!important` and `vf-u-fullbleed` override. Some spacing regressions are possible. * Sets a null vf-stack at the lowest CSS specificity. * https://github.com/visual-framework/vf-core/pull/1698 ### 2.1.2 * vf-stack no longer applies between a `vf-hero` and `vf-u-fullbleed`. * Gives more margin-top to `vf-u-fullbleed` after most items. ### 2.1.1 * adds usage guideline for include the default `vf-stack` and the size variant. ### 2.1.0 * adds more options: `200`,`500`,`1200`, and `1600` vertical spaces. ### 2.0.1 * changes any `set-` style functions to cleaner version ### 2.0.0 * replaces all spacing / sizing values with new tokens naming convention ### 1.2.0 * now uses Nunjucks 'blocks' so we can use this layout more programmatically * hides the default Nunjucks file as it renders what looks like a blank page (because it's waiting for the block content) * creates separate Nunjucks files to display variants in Fractal * updates naming conventions of variables available * introduces `stack__spacing__custom` which will replace `custom_spacing_property` in the `2.0.0` component release ### 1.1.1 * dependency bumps ### 1.0.0-alpha.1 * Adds example if statement for setting context