### 1.6.1 * vf-summary--event now uses a lowercase date format. * Removes ordinals from recommended date format (4th September 2021). * https://github.com/visual-framework/vf-core/issues/1673 ### 1.6.0 * Removes support for styling of `vf-summary` inside of `vf-box`. (this is no longer encouraged) * Adds support for conditional display of `vf-summary__text`. ### 1.5.1 * Documentation: clarity on using card vs summary components. * https://github.com/visual-framework/vf-core/issues/1592 ### 1.5.0 * adds individual context yml/njk code per file. ### 1.4.2 * Removes the import for `vf-links.variables.scss` as it is not needed. * changes any `set-` style functions to cleaner version ### 1.4.1 * Fix image URL in vf-summary--news-has-image. ### 1.4.0 * makes the title of summary a little larger * reduces margin a little on news * removes the padding from events ### 1.3.1 * adds 'grid-template-areas' CSS for `--has-image` variant so you can use it with a `-thumbnail` class ### 1.3.0 * adds loading="lazy" to the img element for better performance ### 1.2.0 * makes theme variant naming and decisions consistent ### 1.1.0 * Deprecated the `vf-summary--profile` component, you should now use `vf-profile` ### 1.0.4 * A fix for Chrome as it displays avatar defaults as a squished circle. Replaces 100% to auto within heigh rule ### 1.0.3 * fixes the size of avatars to be consistnet * adds word-break: break-all for long emails ### 1.0.2 * adds vf-summary--event, vf-summary--easy ### 1.0.1 * Job summary uses link as outline ### 1.0.0 * Initial stable release