Legend form

A vf-form__legend is used to describe a group of inputs in a vf-form.

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The vf-form__legend should only be used in a vf-form__fieldset and must be the first item in the fieldset.

A vf-form__legend is used to describe a group of inputs in a vf-form. They should be used for groups of vf-form__checkboxs and vf-form__radios but can be used with any related groups inside a vf-form__fieldset.


This is a legend
Nunjucks syntax

Depending on your environment you'll want to use render or include. As a rule of thumb: server-side use include, precompiled browser use render. If you're using vf-eleventy you should use include.

Using include

You'll need to pass a context object from your code or Yaml file (example), as well as the path to the Nunjucks template. Nunjucks' include is an abstraction of render and provides some additional portability.

{% set context fromYourYamlFile %}
- or -
{% set context = { 
"component-type" : "form",
"legend__text" : "This is a legend",
{% include "../path_to/vf-form__legend/vf-form__legend.njk" %}

Using render

This approach is best for bare-bones Nunjucks environments, such as precompiled templates with the Nunjucks slim runtime where include is not be available.

{% render '@vf-form__legend', {
  "component-type" : "form",
  "legend__text" : "This is a legend",}
<legend class="vf-form__legend">This is a legend</legend>
This is a legendfield is required. asterick
Nunjucks syntax

Depending on your environment you'll want to use render or include. As a rule of thumb: server-side use include, precompiled browser use render. If you're using vf-eleventy you should use include.

Using include

You'll need to pass a context object from your code or Yaml file (example), as well as the path to the Nunjucks template. Nunjucks' include is an abstraction of render and provides some additional portability.

{% set context fromYourYamlFile %}
- or -
{% set context = { 
"component-type" : "form",
"legend__text" : "This is a legend",
"required" : true,
{% include "../path_to/vf-form__legend/vf-form__legend.njk" %}

Using render

This approach is best for bare-bones Nunjucks environments, such as precompiled templates with the Nunjucks slim runtime where include is not be available.

{% render '@vf-form__legend', {
  "component-type" : "form",
  "legend__text" : "This is a legend",
  "required" : true,}
<legend class="vf-form__legend | vf-form__legend--required">This is a legend<span class="vf-u-sr-only">field is required.</span>
  <svg class="vf-icon vf-icon--asterick" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="0 0 24 24">
    <path d="M23.555,8.729a1.505,1.505,0,0,0-1.406-.98H16.062a.5.5,0,0,1-.472-.334L13.405,1.222a1.5,1.5,0,0,0-2.81,0l-.005.016L8.41,7.415a.5.5,0,0,1-.471.334H1.85A1.5,1.5,0,0,0,.887,10.4l5.184,4.3a.5.5,0,0,1,.155.543L4.048,21.774a1.5,1.5,0,0,0,2.31,1.684l5.346-3.92a.5.5,0,0,1,.591,0l5.344,3.919a1.5,1.5,0,0,0,2.312-1.683l-2.178-6.535a.5.5,0,0,1,.155-.543l5.194-4.306A1.5,1.5,0,0,0,23.555,8.729Z" />


Installation info

This repository is distributed with [npm][https://www.npmjs.com/]. After [installing npm][https://www.npmjs.com/get-npm] and yarn, you can install vf-form__legend with this command.

$ yarn add --dev @visual-framework/vf-form__legend






  • Version bump


  • Version bump



  • reworks the legend to make more use of nunjucks
  • restyles the legend to match latest design direction
  • adds better documentation


  • changes any set- style functions to cleaner version


  • changes any set- style functions to cleaner version


  • updates spacing design tokens
  • requires v2.0.0 of the vf-design-tokens package or newer


  • initial commit of new legend component, that acts like vf-form__label


File system location: components/vf-form__legend

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