Nearest location utility

From a list of lat and long, this will use the browser geolcation API to select the nearest. It also provides a manual selection fallback and override.

github location npm version


This component is purely JavaScript and relies on other components to provide UI and to consume the detected region.

This is an early version, some future improvements to be considered:

  • Callback to observe detected locations to be used in other components
  • Allowing "or" matches for content data-vf-js-location-nearest-activation-target="locationOne, locationTwo"
  • Enabling the default while we wait for geodetection
  • "Saving" a user's location when using the override


You should import this component in ./components/vf-component-rollup/scripts.js or your other JS process:

import { vfLocationNearest } from 'vf-location-nearest/vf-location-nearest';
// Or import directly
// import { vfLocationNearest } from '../components/raw/vf-location-nearest/vf-location-nearest.js';

// Configure an object of your locations to detect
// You should do this in your central JS (scripts.js) as appropriate
let vfLocationNearestLocations = {
  // supply a default in case of geodetect failures
  default: {
    name: "Heidelberg",
    latlon: "49.40768, 8.69079" // lat then lon
  barcelona: {
    name: "Barcelona",
    latlon: "0.40768, 0.69079"
// Bootstrap location detection

JS Data attributes

All are optional

  • data-vf-js-location-nearest-name element will receive the name of the current location
  • data-vf-js-location-nearest-override-widget element will be populated with an override widget (vf-form select list)
  • data-vf-js-location-nearest-activation-target="{locationId}" will receive clicks on location change. This is a simple method to activate diverse elements.


/* This is a demo only, to use this utility component follow the to graft onto your UI */

Detected location

Your detected city is: loading

Available locations


Element activation

Elements tagged with data-vf-js-location-nearest-activation-target="{locationId}" will receive clicks on location change. This is a simple method to activate diverse elements.

A sample data-vf-js-location-nearest-activation-target='default' activation target

A sample data-vf-js-location-nearest-activation-target='heidelberg' activation target

A sample data-vf-js-location-nearest-activation-target='grenoble' activation target

Showing a second set of tabs

Showing a second set of tabs

<div class="vf-location-nearest | vf-content">
  /* This is a demo only, to use this utility component follow the to graft onto your UI */

  <h3>Detected location</h3>
  <p>Your detected city is: <span data-vf-js-location-nearest-name><em>loading</em></span></p>
  <h3>Available locations</h3>
  <div data-vf-js-location-nearest-override-widget><em>loading</em></div>

  <h3>Element activation</h3>
  <p>Elements tagged with <code>data-vf-js-location-nearest-activation-target=&quot;{locationId}&quot;</code> will receive clicks on location change. This is a simple method to activate diverse elements.</p>

  <div class="vf-tabs">
    <ul class="vf-tabs__list" data-vf-js-tabs>
      <li class="vf-tabs__item">
        <a class="vf-tabs__link" href="#vf-tabs__section--1" data-vf-js-location-nearest-activation-target="default">Default</a>
      <li class="vf-tabs__item">
        <a class="vf-tabs__link" href="#vf-tabs__section--2" data-vf-js-location-nearest-activation-target="heidelberg">Heidelberg</a>
      <li class="vf-tabs__item">
        <a class="vf-tabs__link" href="#vf-tabs__section--3" data-vf-js-location-nearest-activation-target="grenoble">Grenoble</a>

  <div class="vf-tabs-content" data-vf-js-tabs-content>
    <section class="vf-tabs__section" id="vf-tabs__section--1">
      <p>A sample <code>data-vf-js-location-nearest-activation-target=&#39;default&#39;</code> activation target</p>
    <section class="vf-tabs__section" id="vf-tabs__section--2">
      <p>A sample <code>data-vf-js-location-nearest-activation-target=&#39;heidelberg&#39;</code> activation target</p>
    <section class="vf-tabs__section" id="vf-tabs__section--3">
      <p>A sample <code>data-vf-js-location-nearest-activation-target=&#39;grenoble&#39;</code> activation target</p>

<div class="vf-tabs">
  <ul class="vf-tabs__list" data-vf-js-tabs>
    <li class="vf-tabs__item">
      <a class="vf-tabs__link" href="#vf-tabs__section--1" data-vf-js-location-nearest-activation-target="default">Default tabset 2</a>
    <li class="vf-tabs__item">
      <a class="vf-tabs__link" href="#vf-tabs__section--2" data-vf-js-location-nearest-activation-target="heidelberg">Heidelberg tabset 2</a>

<div class="vf-tabs-content" data-vf-js-tabs-content>
  <section class="vf-tabs__section" id="vf-tabs__section--1">
    <p>Showing a second set of tabs</p>
  <section class="vf-tabs__section" id="vf-tabs__section--2">
    <p>Showing a second set of tabs</p>

<script type="text/javascript">
  window.onload = function() {
    // You should do this in your central JS (scripts.js) as appropriate

    // Configure an object of your locations to detect
    let vfLocationNearestLocations = {
      default: {
        name: "Heidelberg (default)",
        latlon: "49.40768, 8.69079"
      barcelona: {
        name: "Barcelona",
        latlon: "41.38879, 2.15899"
      grenoble: {
        name: "Grenoble",
        latlon: "45.16667, 5.71667"
      hamburg: {
        name: "Hamburg",
        latlon: "53.57532, 10.01534"
      heidelberg: {
        name: "Heidelberg",
        latlon: "49.40768, 8.69079"
      hinxton: {
        name: "EMBL-EBI Hinxton",
        latlon: "52.2, 0.11667"
      rome: {
        name: "Rome",
        latlon: "41.89193, 12.51133"
    // Bootstrap location detection


Installation info

This repository is distributed with [npm][]. After [installing npm][] and yarn, you can install vf-location-nearest with this command.

$ yarn add --dev @visual-framework/vf-location-nearest





  • Remove unneeded console.log.


  • changes any set- style functions to cleaner version


  • JS linting


  • Initial version


File system location: components/vf-location-nearest

Find an issue on this page? Propose a change or discuss it.