2.3.1 Component updates

Minor component updates and bug fixes

27 Oct 2020

This releases 2.3.1 to the CDN

[`https://assets.emblstatic.net/vf/v2.3.1/scripts/scripts.js`](https://assets.emblstatic.net/vf/v2.3.1/scripts/scripts.js) As a reminder, the rollup CSS and JS are compilations of many independently versioned components and is likely to contain changes that may disrupt the look of your site. We advise testing. Even better is to build your own CSS rollup from the npm sources, [you can find a guide here](/building).
## New features ### [vf-intro](https://stable.visual-framework.dev/components/vf-intro/) 1.4.1 git diff - adds the option to have a nicer styled 'sub-heading' - introduces the use of `vf-stack` to layout out the vertical stacking of the content - use `--vf-stack-margin--custom` to align things as required - removes use of `embl-grid` and lets `vf-intro` roll it's own ### [embl-logo](https://stable.visual-framework.dev/components/embl-logo/) 1.0.5 git diff - makes a reduction in size for the logos `--extreme` version from 96px to 48px ### [vf-design-tokens](https://stable.visual-framework.dev/components/vf-design-tokens/) 3.0.0 git diff * We're moving the documentation to the `vf-component-library` * https://stable.visual-framework.dev/design-tokens/ * removes all `.njk` documentation files * hides from Fractal * removes any other files no longer needed * update documentation pages for all design tokens used to make use of updated CSS ### [vf-component-library](https://stable.visual-framework.dev/components/vf-component-library/) 1.0.12 git diff * design token documenation now lives in the component libary ## Bug fixes ### [vf-code-example](https://stable.visual-framework.dev/components/vf-code-example/) 1.2.0 git diff * correct display of `vf-content pre` and `vf-code-example__pre` to: * not line break every element * correct padding (sass property map name) ### [vf-core](https://stable.visual-framework.dev/components/vf-core/) 2.2.9 git diff * fix: avoid build failure on missing .eslintrc.js config in child projects * https://github.com/visual-framework/vf-core/pull/1178 ## Minor updates ### [vf-breadcrumbs](https://stable.visual-framework.dev/components/vf-breadcrumbs/) 1.0.5 git diff - removes the bottom margin - increases the top margin ### [vf-global-header](https://stable.visual-framework.dev/components/vf-global-header/) 3.0.1 git diff - removes padding - adds top margin for layout ### [vf-header](https://stable.visual-framework.dev/components/vf-header/) 1.0.3 git diff - removes negative margin bottom when `vf-global-header` is a child of `vf-header` ### [vf-box](https://stable.visual-framework.dev/components/vf-box/) 2.2.0 git diff - adds internal padding option back ### [vf-cluster](https://stable.visual-framework.dev/components/vf-cluster/) 2.0.0 git diff - replaces all spacing / sizing values with new tokens naming convention ### [vf-no-js](https://stable.visual-framework.dev/components/vf-no-js/) 1.0.1 git diff * Classify as a utility component ### [vf-component-generator](https://stable.visual-framework.dev/components/vf-component-generator/) 1.0.3 git diff * improve README template ### [vf-badge](https://stable.visual-framework.dev/components/vf-badge/) 1.2.1 git diff * README cleanup ### [vf-u-fullbleed](https://stable.visual-framework.dev/components/vf-u-fullbleed/) 1.2.1 git diff * README cleanup

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