Announcing rollup release 2.4.10

Bug fixes, a facelift for the search form and a deprecation.

30 Mar 2021

Following the larger 2.4.9 release we had a few minor bugs and places for optimisation, as well as continuing to improve the usability and look of existing components.

Search form updates

Following 2.4.9's work on forms, we carried through optimising the behaviour of vf-search to behave better on smaller width screens, like mobile phones.

vf-search 3.0.0-alpha.0 npm git diff


The vf-masthead had been eclipsed by the functionality of vf-hero. We've finally deprecated it and hidden it. You should migrate to vf-hero and the vf-masthead will be removed from the CDN css in the coming weeks.

vf-masthead 3.0.0 npm git diff

Bugs and minor optimisations

vf-sass-config 2.5.2 npm git diff

vf-sass-config 2.5.1 npm git diff

vf-content 1.5.1 npm git diff

vf-body 1.2.0 npm git diff

vf-form__input 3.0.0-alpha.1 npm git diff

vf-sidebar 1.0.0-alpha.2 npm git diff

vf-stack 2.1.1 npm git diff

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