Rollup release 2.5.10

This release includes improvements in accessibility, usability, functionality and documentation of several VF components including vf-section-header, vf-pagination, vf-button, vf-card-container, vf-bookmark, vf-search-client-side and ebi-header-footer. We also improved the consistency of VF components with the corresponding WordPress blocks and started addressing issues with the VF site.

9 Feb 2023


vf-search-client-side 2.0.1 npm git diff

vf-component-library 1.2.4 npm git diff

vf-core 2.2.38 npm git diff

vf-extensions 2.0.0-alpha.3 npm git diff

vf-pagination 1.1.1 npm git diff

vf-section-header 1.5.4 npm git diff

vf-bookmark 1.0.0-alpha.3 npm git diff

vf-button 2.0.0-alpha.6 npm git diff

vf-card-container 3.2.2 npm git diff

ebi-header-footer 2.1.3 npm git diff

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